Are you sure you want to delete the selected load profiles?
The selected load profiles are used in a total of {{vm.projectIds.length}} projects. Show projects
Manufacturer | PV module | Date | Nominal power Price | Cell technology |
{{ item.ModuleManufacturerName }} | {{ item.Name }} | {{ item.SpecificationDate | sdLocalDate: 'month' }} | {{ item.PModMPP.FullString }} | {{ item.MaterialName }} |
{{ item.ModuleManufacturerName }} | {{ item.Name }} | {{ item.SpecificationDate | sdLocalDate: 'month' }} | {{ item.PurchasePrice.FullString }} | {{ item.MaterialName }} |
You can create and manage your own PV modules here.
Manufacturer | PV module | Nominal power | Cell technology |
{{item.ModuleManufacturerName}} | {{item.Name}} | {{item.PModMPP.FullString}} | {{item.MaterialName}} |
You may enter the data for the new PV module or apply and adapt the data for an existing PV module via the "Select PV module" button. Fields labeled with (*) are mandatory.
Select a PV module to use as a template. You may open the PV module search feature via the magnifying glass symbol.
Here you will find an overview of the PV modules that have been selected as favorites. You may view information about the PV modules, remove them from the favorites list or add additional PV modules.
Manufacturer | PV module | Nominal power | Cell technology |
{{item.ModuleManufacturerName}} | {{item.Name}} | {{item.PModMPP.FullString}} | {{item.MaterialName}} |
You can create and manage your own load profiles here in order to determine self-consumption.
Name | Description | Default setting "annual energy consumption" | First day of the year | Last edited | Application |
{{item.Name}} | {{item.Description}} | {{item.EnergyUsage.FullString}} | {{item.StartingDay}} | {{item.LastUpdateString}} | {{item.ProjectCount}} project(s) |
Name | {{loadProfile.Name}} |
Description | {{loadProfile.Description}} |
First day of the year | {{loadProfile.StartingDay}} |
Time interval [minutes] | {{loadProfile.ConsumptionDataResolution}} min |
Calculated annual energy consumption | {{loadProfile.ProfileEnergy.FullString}} |
Default setting "annual energy consumption" | {{loadProfile.EnergyUsage.FullString}} |
Last edited | {{loadProfile.LastUpdateString}} |
Application |
You can enter the data for the new load profile here. You can import a file with consumption data or create a load profile yourself. The first day in the load profile is a Monday. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
Here you can edit the load profile for the selected day. Select the time interval and enter the average consumption for each time interval. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
Here you can generate an average daily load profile from an existing load profile.
Here you can set the energy consumption of the current daily load profile to a specific target value.
You can create and manage your own locations here. Meteorological data can be imported for each location created.
Region | Country | City | Last edited | Application |
{{item.RegionName}} | {{item.CountryName}} | {{item.LocationName}} | {{item.LastUpdateString}} | {{item.ProjectCount}} project(s) |
Region | {{location.RegionName}} |
Country | {{location.CountryName}} |
City | {{location.LocationName}} |
Setpoint tilt angle | {{location.InclinationProposal.FullString}} |
Setpoint azimuth (0° = South) | {{location.AzimuthProposal.Value | sdAzimuth}} |
{{location.UsesDimensioningFactor ? 'Dimensioning factor' : 'Nominal power ratio'}} | from {{location.NomPowerFrom.FullString}} to {{location.NomPowerTo.FullString}} |
Grid voltage | {{location.DefaultPowerGridName}} |
Consider max. unbalanced load | {{location.ImbalanceLoad.FullString}} |
Last edited | {{location.LastUpdateString}} |
Application | |
{{location.ProjectCountDiff}} other projects
You can enter the data for the new location here or apply the data from an existing location via the "Select PV module" button. Fields labeled with (*) are mandatory.
You can enter the data for the new location here or apply the data from an existing location via the "Select PV module" button. Fields labeled with (*) are mandatory.
Here you can create and manage your own charging stations for electric vehicles.
Type | Maximum charging power | Number of charging points | Max. charging power per charging point |
{{item.Name}} | {{item.MaximumChargingPower.Summary}} | {{item.ChargingPointCount}} | {{item.ChargingPointPower.Summary}} |
You can enter the data for the new charging station here. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
You can create your own electric vehicles and manage them here.
Model | Vehicle brand | Consumption | Maximum charging power | Battery capacity |
{{item.Name}} | {{item.ManufacturerName}} | {{item.EnergyConsumption.FullString}} | {{item.MaximumChargingPower.Summary}} | {{item.BatteryCapacity.FullString}} |
You can enter the data for the new electric vehicle here. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
Here you can manage the templates you created for e-mobility.
Name | Type | Last change |
{{item.Name}} | {{item.Type}} | {{item.LastUpdate}} |
Here you can adjust the net price of the device.
Here you can adjust the net price of the device.
Enter the net prices that are to be used as the default setting for the profitability analysis of PV projects. Price changes only affect new projects. If required, you can adjust the displayed currency under "My Sunny Design" > "Adjust settings".
Name | Max. AC power | Price | Date |
{{ item.Name }}
{{ item.MaxAcPower.FullString }} | {{ item.PurchasePrice != null ? item.PurchasePrice.FullString : '---'}} | {{ item.LastUpdate | sdLocalDate }} |
Completeness of imported original data: | {{model.CompletionBefore.FullString}} |
Completeness after automatic completion: | {{model.CompletionAfter.FullString}} |
Name | Customer | Creation date |
{{item.Name}} | {{item.Customer}} | {{item.CreationDateString}} |
Are you sure you want to delete the selected load profiles?
The selected load profiles are used in a total of {{vm.projectIds.length}} projects. Show projects
Here you see the selected load profiles as well as the projects and templates* in which they are used.
Load profile | Projects |
{{item.Name}} |
You can create and manage your own feed-in tariffs and purchasing tariffs. Tariffs marked with * are default settings for this type of tariff and energy carrier.
Name | Type | Energy carrier | Currency | Last change |
{{item.Name}} | {{item.TypeTranslated}} | {{item.EnergyCarrier}} | {{item.Currency}} | {{item.LastChangeString}} |
You may enter the data for the new purchasing tariff here or apply the data from an existing tariff via the "Select template" button. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
You may enter the data for the new feed-in tariff here or apply the data from an existing tariff via the "Select template" button. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
Select a tariff to use as a template.
Select the type of tariff module that you would like to create.
You can add the capacity tariff (Belgium) to the tariff here. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
You can add fixed cost to the tariff here. If several fixed cost modules are indicated, they add up. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
You can enter the energy and demand charge here which is above or below a specified annual utilization time. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
Energy or demand charges can be specified here that only apply at certain times. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
You can enter energy and demand charges here that are scaled according to the annual consumption (energy) or the maximum purchased power. Up to {{vm.model.MaximumTariffTiersPerTariffItem}} tiers can be entered here. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
Name | {{vm.tariff.Name}} |
Description | {{vm.tariff.Description}} |
Type | {{vm.tariff.TypeName}} |
Energy carrier | {{vm.tariff.EnergyCarrierName}} |
Currency | {{vm.tariff.Currency || '---'}} |
Accounting period | {{vm.tariff.BillingPeriodName}} |
Proportion of the renewable energy | {{vm.tariff.RenewableEnergyShare.FullString}} |
CO₂ emission factor | {{vm.tariff.CO2Emission.FullString}} |
Annual rate of price increases | {{vm.tariff.PriceIncrease.FullString}} |
Energy charge | {{vm.tariff.BasicEnergyRate.FullString}} |
Demand charge | {{vm.tariff.BasicPowerRate.FullString}} |
Tariff modules |
CO₂ credit | {{vm.tariff.CO2Benefit.FullString}} |
Feed-in tariff (reimbursement) model | {{vm.tariff.CompensationSchemeName}} |
Feed-in tariff / selling price | {{vm.tariff.CompensationRate.FullString}} |
Feed-in tariff (reimbursement) of the transfer at the end of the year | {{vm.tariff.RolloverRate.FullString}} |
Duration of the feed-in tariff | {{vm.tariff.CompensationDuration}} a |
Selling price on expiry of the feed-in tariff | {{vm.tariff.PurchaseRate.FullString}} |
Levy (-) or feed-in tariff (+) of self-consumption | {{vm.tariff.SelfConsumptionRate.FullString}} |
Fixed cost | {{vm.tariff.FixedExpenses.FullString}} |
Reference value | {{vm.tariff.PaymentCycleName}} |
Last change | {{vm.tariff.LastChangeString}} |
Here you can search for customer data and assign it to the current project.
Name | Company | City | Number of projects | Customer since |
{{item.Name}} | {{item.Company}} | {{item.City}} | {{item.ProjectCount}} | {{item.CustomerSince}} |
Here you can enter or adapt customer data. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
Name | Project number | Creation date | Most recently opened |
{{project.ProjectNumber}} | {{project.CreationDateString}} | {{project.LastOpenOnString}} |
Customer number | {{vm.model.CustomerNumber}} |
Salutation | {{vm.model.Salutation}} |
Title | {{vm.model.Title}} |
First name | {{vm.model.FirstName}} |
Last name | {{vm.model.LastName}} |
{{vm.model.Email}} | |
Phone number | {{vm.model.PhoneNumber}} |
Company | {{vm.model.Company}} |
Department | {{vm.model.Department}} |
Street | {{vm.model.Streetname}} |
House number | {{vm.model.Streetnumber}} |
Further information | {{vm.model.AdditionalInformation}} |
Zip code | {{vm.model.ZipCode}} |
City | {{vm.model.City}} |
Country | {{vm.model.CountryName}} |
Preview | {{vm.model.FullAddress}} |
Here you can create a new item for the cost calculation or edit an existing one. The category determines where the new cost item appears in the list. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
Here you can select the cost items that appear in your cost accounting. You can define the sequence of the cost items in the list. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
Name{{vm.test|json}} | Amount | Default setting | |
{{items[0].CategoryName}} | |||
{{available.Name}} | {{available.Value.FullString}} |
{{items[0].CategoryName}} | |
{{selected.OrderNumber}}. {{selected.Name}} | {{selected.Value.FullString}} |
Here you can manage the cost items and calculation templates for quotations you created.
Name | Amount | Default setting | Sequence |
{{items[0].CategoryName}} | |||
{{item.Name}} | {{item.Value.FullString}} |
Name | Last change |
{{templateEntry.Name}} | {{templateEntry.LastChange}} |
Do you really want to delete these projects or templates?
Are you sure you want to delete this project?
A short summary of the project
Project name | {{projectSummary.ProjectName}} |
Project number | {{projectSummary.ProjectNumber}} |
Customer | {{projectSummary.Customer}} |
Location | {{projectSummary.CountryName}}, {{projectSummary.LocationName}} |
Peak power | {{projectSummary.ConnectedPeakPower.FullString}} |
To be able to include shading in the simulation of the yield, the shading of the PV module strings must be calculated additionally. This can take several minutes depending on the size of the PV system.
Displacement power factor cos φ: {{vm.model.UsedPowerFactor.FullString}}
Limitation of AC active power: {{vm.model.ACPowerCutoff.FullString}}
Peak power: {{vm.model.ConnectedPeakPower.FullString}}
Nominal power ratio: {{vm.model.PowerRatio.FullString}}
Dimensioning factor: {{vm.model.PowerRatio.FullString}}
Enter a name here for the converted project. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
When converting the project into an energy system, only the PV design of the project is adopted apart from the location and grid connection data. You can enter the project name here and select a building type for the energy system. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
A summary of the project results is shown here.
{{resultValue.Name}} | {{resultValue.Name}} | {{resultValue.Value.ValueString}} {{ !!resultValue.Value.Value ? resultValue.Value.UnitString : null }} |
{{ || 'Enter a name for the project.'}} Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
Enter a name for the project template. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
Here you can select which time series generated in Sunny Design you would like to export as csv file(s). The unit of the values in the time series is watt, unless stated otherwise.
Program version 5.80.4 rev:17977 host:{{vm.model.hostName}}
Database version {{vm.model.dbVersion}}
© 2025 SMA Solar Technology AG
Enter your password to access your system data.
You can select and compare the created alternatives with the original configuration of the energy system here. The selection of the displayed key figures can be adjusted on the "Energy system" page. Key figures marked with an * refer to the entire analysis period of profitability.
![]() |
Energy system | |
Status | |
PV inverter |
PV arrays |
{{generator.ModuleCount}} x
Battery inverter |
Battery | {{project.Battery}} |
Thermal components |
{{component.Name}} {{component.Power}}
Electrical energy requirement of the load profiles | {{project.TotalEnergyConsumption.FullString}} |
Heating energy requirement | {{project.HeatingDemand.FullString}} |
Hot water requirement | {{project.HotWaterDemand.FullString}} |
Key figures |
{{group.CategoryName}} | |
{{kpi.Name}}{{kpi.IsAggregated ? '*' : ''}} | {{ project.GroupedKpis[groupIndex].Kpis[kpiIndex].Value.FullString }} |
Calculations are carried out
Duration approx. {{vm.status.RemainingTimeString}}
Video tutorials with explanations of the functions of Sunny Design